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Monday, November 4, 2013

Useful Avocado

I recently discovered a power duo of 2 gals who basically kill it in the Health & Fitness Industry - the creators of Tone It Up. Visit their website, and be prepared to feel super lazy and out of shape.. haha but really, they are basically doing everything right that I know not much about (but am learning health and wellness better and better!) which is always a motivation to lift my bones a bit more here and there.. 

As I was prowling their website, I found some great tutorials such as this Avocado Hair & Face Mask! 
...care to give it a whirl?! 

A quick recap on how to actually make these masks ~

Avocado Hair Mask : 
1 banana
1 ripe avocado
1 tsp oliver oil
+ apple cider vinegar for rinsing

1. Blend ingredients together in a descent size bowl & massage you scalp from root to tip, covering your whole head.
2. Be patient for about 30-40 minutes 
3. Shampoo well & then rinse with apple cider vinegar

Avocado Face Mask : 
1/2 ripe avocado
1 tsp of honey
1 tsp of apple cider vinegar 

1. Blend ingredients together in a bowl and mush it with your fingers until well mixed
2. Apply to your face and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes
3. Rinse off with cool water

Avocados are an amazing South American fruit that can now be found at just about every grocery store and market from here to Timbuktu ! Apparently they are healthy for your insides and your outsides just the same. 

Now hop to it and get yourselves some fresh 'cados , try these DIY at home hair and skin tricks and tell me what you think!! :-)

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