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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wish List + Fall Transitioning?

As we creep in to Fall from Summer (ahh!!) the more i've been poking around shopping and "window/online window shopping" i've noticed the sudden change from Summer to Fall, ALREADY! Even the iParty has HALLOWEEN stuff out...gahh! That's just crazy, it's not even August yet!...
Anyways, the transition from Summer to Fall is usually kinda funky;

The Good, The Bad and the Changes:~

1. I usually get super sick with the change of seasons, it sucks.
2. You are kinda psyched to be able to wear long pants since in July/August your skin is melting off of your body.
3. You can't go in the pool any more because the water is ice cold, so you put your bathing suites in the back of your drawer in hopes to take a tropical vaca this Winter.
4. You tuck away all of your flip flops and whip out all of your close toe'd shoes.
5. All of the prints you start to wear are darker and a bit more dull. (i happen to LOVE Fall colors, but hey, it's the truth!) ...Neon is NOT OK in the Fall.
6. Your skin starts to turn that icky shade of grey almost because you are lacking some serious 
vitamin D. Therefore you take up the tanning bed once in a while.
7. You look on the bright side and have an excuse to wear comfy sweaters again, drink spiked cider & watch movies on crappy days, put cozy socks on, wear cute riding boots with skinny jeans, and suddenly change your hair color from that bright blonde sun-kissed strands you love for Summer, to the Strawberry blonde locks you were born with.... (ahem, i am talking about myself..)
8. You go on nature walks, when no that doesn't exist in 95* weather & you can go hiking without melting.
9. Going in the hot tub becomes more of a treat.
10. Dark nail polish becomes more acceptable, and Halloween is right around the corner! WAHOO!

There are DEF some good's and some bad's about the transition between Summer and Fall,~ city life in the Summer is awful, but in the Fall it's gorgeous and amazing! That's when i truly miss living in New York City the most.

What season is your favorite for dressing?.. 

These are a few of my favorite things for Summer AND Fall. (that transition period from September-October)


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