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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Valentine's Day

(one year ago on Valentine's Day we were legally married!)

(my hubby sure does know the way to my heart, and my belly!) <3

A V-Day gift from my love : J.Crew Stacked pearls necklace

As you now know, V-Day is extra special for us since we legally got married last year on Valentine's so it would be a little extra special every year, but wouldn't take away from our actually wedding anniversary (March 7th!). This year we spent our V-Day with some of our absolute favorite people in Vermont! My parents, my in-law's and one of our best friends and her husband. We spend the weekend skiing, frolicking in the snow, eating good food and napping by the fire = a very successful mini vaca away from home! 3 day weekends just make the weekend feel like what they should feel like - 
drawn out and relaxing. 
Before we took off to Vermont, we had some work to do and a few meetings - but I came home to flowers, candy & surprises! I truly have the best husband in the world. <3

Hope you all had sweet Valentine's Days' full of love, or at least candy.

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