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Monday, November 26, 2012


HI GUYS! I am officially back form my Thanksgiving hiatus - not gunna lie, it felt really nice not to check my email ONCE (yay me!) or even go on my computer. I barely even used Instagram or took as many photo's as I normally would, which means I was super busy doing all sorts of fun and lovely things with family and friends for the past 5 days! :-)

Last week Chris and I went to see SKYFALL in Boson before heading home. It was by far the best Bond movie I have seen in a long time. The classics are great, but I have a hard time not falling asleep when watching them unfortunately haha. If you're not usually in to the Bond movies, then go see this one and you'll be a lot more psyched. 
I also happen to love ADELE and she sings the theme song for this Bond movie! YAY ADELE!

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